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Showing posts from May, 2024

#HistFicThursdays - Things to Inspire - Rules and Regulations

 Yesterday, the #HistFicMay prompt asked what was the trickiest thing about a setting. There were some great answers from Historical Fiction authors, which you can read here . For my part, the answer was this: When I write a book, I inevitably fall in love with one of my characters. But then there is that nagging annoyance that they are (well, not real, for a start) almost certainly influenced by their time and society. And those days were filled with adventure, but they were certainly not filled with justice and fairness. Not all rules applied to all people, of course, and my "things" which I have collected for this topic are actually as much linked to the military nature of my Family Saga as they are to rules and regulations. These are from the Napoleonic era and relate to the advancements made by the Duke of York - yes, he was the Grand Old one! But, while your characters might have to abide by the laws of the land, remember there have always been people who stand up for

#HistFicThursdays - Things to Inspire - Rules and Regulations

 Yesterday, the #HistFicMay prompt asked what was the trickiest thing about a setting. There were some great answers from Historical Fiction authors, which you can read here . For my part, the answer was this: When I write a book, I inevitably fall in love with one of my characters. But then there is that nagging annoyance that they are (well, not real, for a start) almost certainly influenced by their time and society. And those days were filled with adventure, but they were certainly not filled with justice and fairness. Not all rules applied to all people, of course, and my "things" which I have collected for this topic are actually as much linked to the military nature of my Family Saga as they are to rules and regulations. These are from the Napoleonic era and relate to the advancements made by the Duke of York - yes, he was the Grand Old one! But, while your characters might have to abide by the laws of the land, remember there have always been people who stand up for

#HistFicThursdays - A Silent Romance Amongst Words - Free Short Story

I don't often write romance, but this short story is perhaps the exception to prove the rule. A Silent Romance Amongst Words  was written for the Books and Borrowing  project, and did rather well 😊 It was inspired by the loan sheet from Innerpeffray Library - a venue which held one of my book launches way back in 2017! If you would rather, you can read it in-situ here !  A Silent Romance Amongst Words It had been a long winter. Kitty Duff’s hand rested on the books in her lap, willing herself to believe in them. It had been almost four months since Mister Grenville had recommended them to her. She could still remember his expression. He had smiled, a squint smile which had allowed it to remain hidden from Kitty’s chaperons. That week, they had been her guardian’s gardeners, who had as little interest in books as any men could. She had picked out volumes for them, recommending books with enough pretence of interest to satisfy them. But her books had been chosen very carefully. She

#HistFicThursdays - Lost Landscapes - Ravenser Odd

 Be honest, who does not  love the stories of Atlantis or Brigadoon or any other disappearing and disappeared world? World mysteries have always fascinated me, wondering what people imagined from these lost communities and - even more so - what they wanted them to be and represent. The Destruction of Ravenser Odd I stumbled across the history of Ravenser Odd entirely by chance. But what a chance! Here was a setting for a story, one which was almost Biblical in its existence and destruction. Unlike Dunwich, which gradually succumbed to the sea, Ravenser Odd was swallowed in a very short space of time, the final straw coming in The Great Drowning of Men  on Saint Marcellus' Day 1362. As well as this, the town was in the Humber, an area with which I was very familiar, having lived in Barrow-upon-Humber for ten years and being an alumnus of Hull University. Could there be a better setting for a historical fiction tale which was to be laced with horror? Well, I didn't think so. The