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Showing posts from September, 2024

#HistFicThursdays - Free Short Story - Of All the Pleasant Sights They See

☝ The story behind the Pied Piper 👆 I know I've shared my take on the traditional legend of the Pied Piper (above!) before, so here's a little story about the legacy of that legend. This is one of the early adventures of Frederik, a young pilgrim on his way to Rome, and all he encounters in the town of Hameln, some years after the legendary events... Of All The Pleasant Sights They See (first published in Hooded:Hidden) February was a cold month. Not only cold, but dark too. But the further he travelled, the longer the days became. Back at home, this change was slower. Frederik had tried only to travel in daylight. At first, he had believed his destination could be reached in a handful of weeks. After all, Father Willehad received news within the month it had been written. But his letters were delivered by emissaries on horseback. On foot it took much longer. Weeks had been an optimistic aim. And then he had become lost. Frederik had arrived in The Empire close to Advent, mak

#HistFicThursdays - Free Short Story - Of All the Pleasant Sights They See

☝ The story behind the Pied Piper 👆 I know I've shared my take on the traditional legend of the Pied Piper (above!) before, so here's a little story about the legacy of that legend. This is one of the early adventures of Frederik, a young pilgrim on his way to Rome, and all he encounters in the town of Hameln, some years after the legendary events... Of All The Pleasant Sights They See (first published in Hooded:Hidden) February was a cold month. Not only cold, but dark too. But the further he travelled, the longer the days became. Back at home, this change was slower. Frederik had tried only to travel in daylight. At first, he had believed his destination could be reached in a handful of weeks. After all, Father Willehad received news within the month it had been written. But his letters were delivered by emissaries on horseback. On foot it took much longer. Weeks had been an optimistic aim. And then he had become lost. Frederik had arrived in The Empire close to Advent, mak

#HistFicThursdays - Legends - Writing on the Edge of Reality

 One of the questions I'm asked the most about my books and stories is: where does you your inspiration from come? Well, it comes from all sorts of places, but one thing which has inspired all  my writing are legends. That fine balance between truths and facts are where legends come into their own... and so do novelists! One of my favourite legends is the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and I find the study which has gone into trying to understand this quite fascinating. I have incorporated this legend into a number of my stories, sometimes as itself, sometimes in the guise of something else - a little bit like fairy tale retellings. But the Pied Piper is certainly not alone. In short stories, I've wandered into the realms of Norse or Roman legends. In books, with my WIP I've delved into Christian legends, and the Caledon series is seeped in Scottish legends and mythology, every detail woven into a historical truth (even if it is not quite fact!). And The Year We Lived